

Small Groups

Our church gathers weekly in two small groups. The Sowell Small Group meets Sunday evenings at 6pm at the Sowell home. The Bramsen Small Group meets Wednesday evnings at 7pm at the Bramsen home. Small Group Covenant A form of this covenant is used by each group. This covenant is meant to be a helpful summary of what it means to “love one another” in this small group and to together love others. We meet on Wednesdays from –pm to…

Family Ministry

The goal of our children’s ministry at CCC is to come alongside parents and families as we together seek to proclaim to our children God’s mighty acts. In everything we do, we want to teach our children the greatness and glory of the God who has revealed Himself to us in the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. God has entrusted us with the privilege of telling our children of His wondrous salvation, so that the generations yet to come would set…


We offer internships designed to train up men through an extended period of discipleship, faithful church membership, and mentored ministry. In this way, we can provide a complement to the ministry training that Boyce and Southern Seminary students receive. In addition, we offer a residential internship at the church. A residential internship is only open to single men who are established members of Christ Community Church with a healthy relationship with the body. (The church has a shower, washer, dryer,…

Women’s Ministry

The CCC women’s group seeks to touch on all aspects of a healthy Christian’s life. Our meetings typically incorporate a time of teaching, either in the form of a Bible study or on a topic pertinent to our Christian growth. The other significant component to our meetings is time dedicated to accountability, the scope of which ranges from our personal walks with the Lord to our relationships with others within the church and outside the church. We also pray together,…

Missions and Evangelism

Jesus gave us clear instructions: The mission of the church is to make and mature disciples of Jesus. To be faithful and fruitful, we must consistently strive to live out our mission at all times. Which is why you see a satellite image of our neighborhood above. We need to be reminded that Louisville is our mission field. Unfortunately, our inexperience and our circumstances conspire to make us ambassadors of Christ who never leave the embassy. We must recognize and…